Our projects

The development of the East Midlands Secure Data Environment is based on learning from early adopter projects testing different uses of data for research and analysis.

You can find a list of all approved projects for the East Midlands here.

Summaries of our projects are shown below.



Understanding the East Midlands

Reference: SDE_EM_PROJ_0001 Led by: University of Derby

Title: Modelling spatial-temporal health and social-economic factors in the East Midlands to inform service planning, targeting and design

The project seeks to understand the East Midlands complex structure and its context. The findings will help identify health inequalities in the region and improve quality measures to estimate the efficacy and efficiency of medical interventions at population scale. Of particular interest is how non-medical socio-economic population factors (e.g. education, crime, property, etc.) influence medical interventions, morbidity and mortality.