Terms and Conditions for using this website


This website is owned and managed by Nottingham Univesrity Hospitals NHS Trust.

All use of this website is covered by the policies and procedures of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. This website uses the same Cookie and Privacy Policy as the main website for our hospitals. The management and administration of this website is carried out by employees of Nottingham Univesrity Hospitals NHS Trust. 

Publishing your own information

You do not have to provide us with any personal data in order to take part in the discussions and polls on this site.

Should you choose to provide your personal details as part of joining an online discussion forum on this website, or if you choose to upload any content to this website, please be aware that this will be visible to all visitors to this website.

Keeping your data safe

We take the same care of your information as we do your health. We are always looking at ways to improve our website, and use a range of tools that help us to make sure that it meets your needs. This website does not store or capture personal information unless submitted by you through one of our website forms. The Trust does not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website, but merely logs general visitor data which is collected and used to improve and maintain the website for the visitors benefit. For more information about how we protect your personal information, you can read and download our Privacy Policy.

Your can download the Privacy Policy here:

Patient Privacy Notice V2.4 20220909.pdf[pdf] 120KB